ID 001002
Product name


LoOoP will be the first effective and accessible solution for PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). At its core, the LoOoP device is a minimally-invasive bioelectronic that delivers low frequency electrostimulation to alleviate the metabolic, menstrual and reproductive symptoms. Our broader LoOoP platform will enable women to manage PCOS as a chronic condition, integrating curated content, inclusive community, personalized insights and relevant solutions.
The problem you are solving

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common, most profound and most overlooked hormonal conditions. PCOS is a chronic, multi-system disorder that effects c.18% of women. It is a leading cause of infertility, >50% of sufferers will develop diabetes before the age of 40 and there is an array of other devastating symptoms and associated health complications.

Study Title (long)

Neuraura LoOop - End-User Advisory Board

Intended Use & Areas of Interest
  • Brain & Nervous System
  • Hormone & Metabolic Health
  • Healthy Aging
Brief description of how to use

The LoOoP device is a minimally-invasive bioelectronic device for the symptomatic relief of symptoms associated with PCOS. Our initial indication / clearance will be for the relief of pain and the device will be used as needed. For the relief of other PCOS symptoms, studies have shown that low-frequency stimulation 3 times per week for 30-60 minutes have provided benefits in terms of shifting the metabolism, increasing menstrual regularity and increasing blood flow to the ovaries. The MVP of the LoOoP platform (via will include curated content and highlighted complementary clinical and wellness solutions. At launch in your jurisdiction, LoOoP will be a regulated medical device. Currently, the device is not available for sale, and has not been approved or assessed by the competent authority. No information on this website is a substitute for professional medical care, and the statements on this website have not been evaluated by a competent authority in your jurisdiction.

  • Evaluators
  • Investors
Target Market

Canada and Outside Canada, ,

Exclusion Criteria

Evaluation Period

06/05/2024 - 05/05/2025

Evaluator Sex & Age

Female Non-binary , From 18 to 99

Evaluator Compensation

End-User Advisory Board members will receive a free LoOoP starter pack once cleared by the appropriate body in their jurisdiction

Commitment of Evaluators

1-2 hours per month

Length of Follow-up (Months)


Story Inspiration

Neuraura is transforming the standard of care for chronic, underserved conditions, starting with PCOS. PCOS is one of the most common, most profound and most overlooked health conditions. The current standard of care, hormonal contraceptives, confound diagnosis, disrupt fertility further, can cause additional weight gain and come with additional risks of side-effects. Neuraura is translating results from high quality peer-reviewed studies and thousands of years of practice in traditional medicine to develop LoOoP, an easy-to-use device that is available over-the-counter without a prescription.